Happy cooking

  • Price: 100 €
  • Duration: 2 hours

Do your kids want to help you in the kitchen even when you are reeeeealy in a hurry and there is no time for a sweet mess? Then happy cooking is the right choice. Kneading the dough, sprinkling the toppings, delicious smells, and cookies make with kids’ love, decorated with more sprinkles they can handle.

The children roll up their sleeves, put on their aprons, wash their hands, prepare the mixture, shape the cookies, and decorate them with an unlimited amount of sprinkles, chocolate stars, trees, candies, and desiccated coconut. They place the cookies in a paper basket they made themselves.

The older kids can also make their own sandwiches. Instead of the cake, they can make neat fruit hedgehogs from pears, grapes and a few toothpicks and even fruit skewers out of more fruit.

We will play games about fruit, vegetables, and desserts.






I want a happy birthday cooking

Send us your preferred time for the celebration along with your contact information and we will check the availability of the date for you.

Birthday party reguest form.

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